I'm passionate about beauty

Hair beauty begins with earth's rich elements!

My Philosophy

Organic Hair Repair Treatments

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ORGANIC Hair coloring

Chemical-free Straightening, Highlights & Hair Treatments.

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About Us

Organic Hair Color in Boca Raton

Welcome to Naturally Sima Salon

Your “Beauty Beyond Hair” Journey Begins Here…

I Am Passionate about Beauty!

I love to serve all my clients with an outstanding experience. It is not just about creating a Hair Color or Hair Style but it is also about creating the Whole Experience. I travel as much as I can to learn & to bring the best Beauty Experiences to my clients. Our time is valuable and I love to connect with each one of my clients to enjoy the whole beautifying process together.

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About us

Introducing “Lalambari”

I am grateful for the journey I have started 10 years ago with organic hair, in the process I have discovered the beauty of my own heart. Our heart is the energy center of our whole existence. This energy is called Love. Through the explorations of this divine energy we co create our own realities. Miracle is our true nature. Based on science the heart's electromagnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than the brain's.

“My intention is to inspire the collective by serving one heart at a time”.

I am now offering the ancient mud bath in Boca Raton. Mud baths have a long history dating back to ancient civilizations, with the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Greeks among the first to use mineral-rich mud and natural water for healing, beauty, and wellness.

Ancient Mud Bath

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This treatment is done on the beach, at the time of sunrise, by incorporating all 5 elements we bring mind, body & spirit into an alignment. It’s about 2 hours session to open the heart center and also to detox the physical body & mind from old energies that no longer serves you. Your body will be painted with the “Sacred Ancient Mud Treatment” which is designed not only to detox the body but also to help you to connect to your higher self. You will be guided to take an inner journey through healing music playing in the background. You will be in a meditative state for about 45 minutes.

Life is a special gift, it should be treated such as .

The Universe has presented me with an opportunity to travel to some of the most extraordinary and sacred places on earth, I am beyond grateful to share these opportunities with my clients. Some of these ancient locations are known for their electro magnetic healing power. These are thoughtfully designed to shift your prospective to a higher mind. The wisdom I have received from traveling cannot be described in words. Life is a mirror of reflection, let us reflect back beauty and co create our own destiny!

Please join me in the experience of self discovery at www.lalambari.com

I believe a beautiful heart is a creator of a beautiful world. I wish to nurture one heart at a time.

Ready for a change ?

Book Your Consultation Today!

We specialize in organic haircolor, highlights, balayage, organic keratin, hair extensions, haircut and styling services and more.

Call: +1 (561) 702-5409


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Professional hair salon in Boca Raton
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